Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Christian Republican Hypocrites

The Republican Party today is supported by a large number of Christians yet supports things very contrary to what Jesus supposedly taught.

Jesus said to pay your taxes yet Republicans are constantly looking to make loop-holes and cut taxes. They just couldn't wait to extend the Bush tax cuts for the richest Americans at a time of huge deficits which only magnified the problem. This was an utterly idiotic and irresponsible move that no doubt pleased Jesus.

Republicans glorify capitalism, greed and the hording of wealth while the bible condemns greed, wealth hording and high interest rates.

Republicans can't wait to wage wars on brown skinned people that don't love Jesus like they ought to yet Jesus said to love your enemies, forgive those that persecute you, and seek peace with all men.

Republicans want to cut benefits to the elderly, the poor, the orphans and widows and Jesus specifically said to care for the elderly, poor, the orphans and widows. Republicans want to cut these benefits so they can give the rich people more tax cuts.

Republicans want to cut regulation and oversight of corporations so they can commit fraud,destroy the environment, and exploit people. We are still feeling the effects of the economic collapse which resulted in Wall Street banks and mortgage companies committing widespread fraud resulting from deregulation and a lack of meaningful oversight and yet the Republitards are clamoring for more deregulation! Yet the bible condemns liars, fraud, and dishonest contracts.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Another Republican Creationist

Tim Pawlenty is an Evangelical Christian from Minnesota and is thought by some to be the most promising of the 2012 Republican presidential hopefuls. At the first GOP presidential candidate debate Pawlenty was asked by Juan Williams if he personally believes in Creationism. Pawlenty dodged the question.......because he does.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Why Nobody Should Take William Lane Craig Seriously

As you will see in this video, Craig is not interested in evidence because he has an a priori commitment to his Christian beliefs which according to him are verified as true because of the warm fuzzy feelings he has which he attributes to a "holy spirit". The man is a joke. His only interest is in converting people to Christianity or convincing them to stay Christians and not to ultimately discover what is true and real.